Christie Going

Account Management Services offered by, Going Further Marketing

- How would you like to stand out against the competition?

- Would you like to send cards of appreciation to your clients?

- Do you need a virtual business card?

- Would you like the potential to retain clients, increase referrals and acquire new clients?

- Do you have a packed schedule and no time to add one more thing?

- What if you could have all these things and not have to spend the time learning a new skill or managing it?

If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, you have come to the right place.

Christie Going with Going Further Marketing has the perfect solution with Account Management Services for your relationship development tools.

The Account Management Service will create, streamline, and utilize relationship development tools. Currently, these tools include SendOutCards, Shuffle, Promptings, and your social media reach on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Alignable.

These services start with an initial investment of $30.00 for an intake consultation (invoiced after the call and due upon receipt). After the initial consultation, services are pre-paid in either 5 hours or increments of 10 hours starting at 10 hours all the way up to 80 hours per month. These hours will be used creating and posting content on your social media platforms, setting up your accounts, cleaning up a database before uploading to SendOutCards, uploading the database, creating campaigns in SendOutCards, sending cards, creating your business or personal webpage(s), reaching out and searching for special occasions on social media to celebrate and develop relationships, sending cards for those occasions, maintaining your contact manager, etc. Needs, goals and services included will be discussed in the initial consultation.

Here's how it works:

1. Click the link below to schedule your initial consultation and invest $30.00 for your 45-minute intake appointment.

2. After your intake is completed you will be invoiced for the number of hours agreed upon, prepay for your time and let’s get this moving.

Once your accounts are created to your specifications you can either:

· Take it over and maintain it yourself.

· Have Christie train someone you already hired to maintain the accounts for you.

· Have Christie maintain it.

Below is the link for you to get started. If you have any questions, feel free to schedule a quick networking meeting, or call/text


Have a great day!
